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Debt Solutions


  • Brief overview of the challenges of debt and the importance of finding the right solution.
  • Emphasize that each solution is tailored to individual circumstances.
  • Encourage users to explore the options and seek advice if unsure.

Debt Management Plans (DMPs)

What is a DMP?

  • Explanation of a Debt Management Plan: an informal agreement with creditors to pay back debts at an affordable rate.

Who is it suitable for?

  • For those struggling to meet monthly payments but can pay something towards their debts.
  • Ideal for unsecured debts like credit cards and personal loans.

Key Features

  • Affordable monthly payments.
  • No legal binding, but creditors are often willing to cooperate.
  • Can reduce or freeze interest and charges in some cases.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Flexible, no court involvement, tailored to your income.
  • Cons: Credit rating may be affected, not all creditors are obliged to agree.

How to Set Up a DMP

  • Outline the steps, including contacting a provider or charity.
  • Mention fees, if any, or free options like StepChange.

 Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs)

What is an IVA?

  • Explanation: A legally binding agreement to pay a portion of your debt over 5-6 years, after which remaining debts are written off.

Who is it suitable for?

  • For individuals with significant debt who cannot afford full repayments but can commit to regular payments.
  • Must have a stable income.

Key Features

  • Covers unsecured debts such as credit cards, loans, and HMRC arrears.
  • Requires approval from 75% of creditors (by debt value).
  • Legal protection from creditor actions.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Stops creditor harassment, debt written off after completion, interest frozen.
  • Cons: May affect your home if equity release is required, remains on your credit file for six years.

How to Apply for an IVA

  • Detail the role of an Insolvency Practitioner (IP).
  • Highlight the importance of professional advice before proceeding.


What is Bankruptcy?

  • Explanation: A legal process where debts are wiped out if you’re unable to pay them, involving asset liquidation.

Who is it suitable for?

  • For those with overwhelming debt and no realistic way to repay.
  • A viable option if you have few assets to lose.

Key Features

  • Immediate relief from creditor actions.
  • Typically lasts 12 months, but financial consequences can persist.
  • Requires payment of a bankruptcy fee (£680 in England and Wales).

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Clears most debts, legal protection from creditors.
  • Cons: Loss of assets, severe impact on credit rating, restrictions on certain professions.

The Bankruptcy Process

  • Application process through the government’s Insolvency Service.
  • Outline what happens during and after bankruptcy.

Debt Relief Orders 


What is a DRO?

  • A simpler, cheaper alternative to bankruptcy for those with low income, minimal assets, and debts under £30,000 (in England and Wales)

“Struggling with debt? Let us help you find the best solution for your situation. Contact us today for free, confidential advice.”

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